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Build Project

A simple tool to generate a starter project based on cookiecutter templates.

Warning: Still a work in progress

This is still in progress and is not yet ready for production use :).

Powertools Initializer

AWS Lambda Powertools project generator

Generate Project

AWS SAM Initializer

AWS SAM templates used at aws-sam-cli-app-templates github repo.

Generate Project

AWS Lambda Quickstart TODO

aws-lambda-quickstart is a simple webservice to generate projects from various templates.

  • Initial prototype webservice
  • Create basic UI and deploy via GitHub pages
  • Powertools template for s3 api (quickstart-s3-sam-python)
  • Powertools template for s3 object lambda api (quickstart-s3-object-lambda-sam-python)
  • Powertools template for rest api (quickstart-rest-api-sam-python)
  • Powertools template for http api (quickstart-http-api-sam-python)
  • Mock a better UI mock using figma
  • BONUS: Powertools template for rest api (quickstart-rest-api-sam-typescript)
  • BONUS: Powertools template for http api (quickstart-http-api-sam-typescript)
  • BONUS: Powertools template for s3 api (quickstart-s3-sam-typescript)
  • BONUS: Powertools CDK templates